Group of people having a video call

How To Build Relationships Working Remotely

This blog post is for you if you’re looking for ways to build relationships while working remotely. We’ll share tips and advice on staying connected with your team, clients, and more.

Put extra effort into communicating

Talking face to face or with voice is a lot easier to communicate, not just the words, but the tone and expression. If you’re communicating via Slack or another text form, it’s harder to communicate enthusiasm or gratitude. Adding a smiley face or exclamation point does help show that you received their message well.

Get to know your team members

Virtual team building is tough. But it doesn’t have to be super time-consuming! Just check in with your teammates to see how they’re doing. Ask about the projects they’re working on and if they need help with anything. You’ll see that having a good working relationship with your remote team members is crucial for engagement, productivity, and success.

Set up regular check-ins

Set aside time once a week to check in with your boss and coworkers to talk shop—or not talk shop. This weekly meeting can be done via video conference, phone call, or email exchange. The important thing is to keep the lines of communication open so that everyone feels comfortable asking questions and sharing ideas.

For example, schedule a virtual coffee break once a week where everyone can catch up on personal news or gossip. This social time will help build bonds between coworkers and make the workday more enjoyable. You can also use this time to get to know your remote employees personally so that you can better understand their work habits and how they prefer to communicate.

Encourage team building with tech

Effective collaboration helps teams bond and build trust. While video conferencing technology isn’t perfect, it can help to build strong relationships with remote employees when used properly.

Technology is the easiest and most basic way to start a relationship with your colleagues. Picking up the phone, texting, messaging, group video conferencing, and social media are great ways to stay connected with your remote employees.

Remote workers should also use the video option during meetings whenever possible to gain more visibility. Using Video helps put a face to your name and build trust.

Be proactive

Although it requires a proactive mentality, it’s possible to cultivate work relationships in a remote position. Be proactive, connect with coworkers, set up regular check-ins, and communicate. By doing so, you can create and maintain strong work relationships while working remotely.

Respect boundaries

This may be one of the hardest tactics to implement because it requires everyone to be on the same page. But getting your team and household to commit to certain work and communication boundaries will make working remotely much easier for everyone.

Respect boundaries: Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean you can’t respect your colleagues’ personal space and time. Seek to understand what your teammates are up against, and don’t expect them to be available 24/7.

Set limits and needs. Open communication is key when setting boundaries. Be honest about your needs and expectations with your colleagues and household members. Once you’ve established these limits, it’s important to stick to them.

Give feedback

Communicate well. Having good relationships with coworkers makes it easier to voice opinions, give feedback, and bounce ideas off. Another strategy to build better relationships as a remote team is to create habits around saying thank you.

Seek feedback

While it is important to contribute to your remote job, it’s also important to seek feedback and be proactive rather than reactive. Having others contribute and give you feedback when you ask helps them feel appreciated and builds more ways to communicate.


To build strong relationships with your remote team, you should get to know these people.

First, you should know the key facts about their personality.

Secondly, take an interest in their personal life and get to know them. This will help you understand them better and build a stronger relationship.

Building relationships in a remote team can take more effort compared to a physical workplace.

Working Remotely