Strengths and Weaknesses: What to Say During Your Interview

The critical thing during an interview is knowing the approach to take when answering questions. Consider a question like, “Describe your strengths and weaknesses?” One must come up with the right content to speak based on their awareness and professionalism to convince the hiring managers.

Candidates must prepare in advance to have the key points ready to answer the interview questions confidently. The candidate must identify their strengths and weaknesses, what they bring to the table, and how they plan to grow in the future.

Interview questions either prove your skills to match the job or be a trap to filter out many interviewees.

What the interviewer wants to know

Phone Interview

The critical basis of all interview questions is to show the hiring managers your strengths and weaknesses based on your response to the question. The candidate must show honesty, self-awareness, and the ability to learn from mistakes.

Here are some useful tips for giving the best answers:

  • Focus on your strengths that are required for the job – for example, if you take a job in sales, say that you are a fluent and persuasive speaker who can sell more products.
  • Phrase your answer on a positive note – name your weakness and say you are working on it. Or rather, show how it can be used as a strength at times.
  • Honesty in all responses – don’t say you have skills you don’t or lean too much on your perfection.

Assessing your weaknesses


Everybody has weaknesses. But who is ready to admit them, especially in an interview?

Some examples of your weaknesses are:

  • Being harsh on yourself
  • You work better when prepared
  • Taking too many risks
  • Humor

Do not focus too much on the negative trait. Stick to professional traits rather than personal traits.

Examples of how to answer your weaknesses

  1. I tend to be more productive on tasks that are in the plan. They give me time to think, settle my mind, and set the goals for the job after evaluating all factors. I handle impromptu tasks fairly excellently and am overly anxious until I deliver them successfully, which is always the case.
  2. I can bring humor out of any situation, good or bad. I, however, try to find the right spot to do is to keep everyone happy.

Assessing your strengths


Be specific to the strengths and skills you have. Make a list and categorize them as follows:

  • Knowledge-based skills – from education and experience, e.g., marketing skills, degrees, and technical ability.
  • Transferable skillsskills you take from job to job, e.g., problem-solving skills, social and communication skills.
  • Personal traits – qualities that make you unique, e.g., flexible, friendly, expressive.

You can also mention the following on your list of strengths:

  • Patience
  • Versatile
  • Dedicated
  • Honesty
  • Enthusiasm
  • Creativity
  • Discipline
  • Determination

Only state strengths that match the job you are seeking.

How to answer what your strengths are?

  1. When new software is introduced or released, I am always at the forefront to test and familiarize myself with it.
  2. I have a natural collaborative nature, and my strength is manifested in a teamwork setting. I appreciate the diversity of every team member.

Keep on the positivity.

think positive

Job interviews are thrilling to many applicants. Be ready to answer questions like, “why do we ought to hire you?” and “what are your long-term goals?” to fully display your strength.


Rehearsal is the key secret to a successful job interview. That will improve the way you respond and enable you to manifest your strengths and weaknesses successfully to the hiring managers.
