Finding Freelance Work
The Key to Self Employment
Finding freelance work is the key to self-employment success, as it’s generally easier to find freelance opportunities than permanent employment. Freelance gives professionals that chance to submit projects and work on their own terms and in their own time – most of the time.
Some companies and employers will hire freelancers to get the job done, and then there will be more strict deadlines and guidelines to follow.
Finding Freelance Work
Freelancing isn’t a hard concept to understand, and basically, it equates to one thing: a freelancer is an independent contractor.
This means that taxes won’t be taken out of monies received (which can be a bit of a pain at tax time for those who aren’t great with numbers), though much of the time, work will be protected and under contract.
Freelance work is a somewhat looser form of employment that allows professionals to work from home, and freelance extends into all fields. Whether it’s writing, graphic design, consulting, or even administrative and customer service, self-employed professionals can find freelance work in a variety of fields.
Here’s the big difference between freelance professionals and others: freelancers find their own gigs. The online market is full of them, and the jobs abound.
Unfortunately, so do the freelancers out there looking for work. It’s a competitive market, but successful self-employment often hinges on the ability to find work in the freelance market.
Finding Freelance Opportunities
Freelance writers can find plenty of opportunities online, but writing is one of the most competitive self-employment fields. Put together an easily-accessible online portfolio and include a link to this with every cover letter, as this gives potential employers the opportunity to look over a large body of work at once.
Freelance contractors can also benefit from showcasing work on their own Web sites, and this sort of professionalism can go a long way toward making resumes and cover letters stand out in all self-employment fields.
The Key to Self Employment
Finding freelance work online is easy through reputable online job boards, and most self-employed professionals do searches on these sites regularly to stay abreast of new self-employment opportunities.
The joy of being self-employed is that it can all be done from home – including finding freelance work that will keep those financial fires burning.
Put together a good resume and an easy online portfolio, and look for work regularly through job boards. It’s competitive, yes, but in the end, it’s often worth it to go through a little extra trouble to stand out from other applicants.
Freelancing is the bread-and-butter of self-employment and one of the few ways to do work at home happen successfully.