How to Write the Best Resignation Letter
You might not need it now, but one day you’ll find yourself searching for the right way to resign from your job. Or maybe that day is today, and your search led you to our blog. Fret not; we have compiled a comprehensive guide to writing the best resignation letter ever.
Read below to find out how it’s done!
Defining a Resignation Letter:
Sending a resignation letter to your employee entails that you are giving up on your position and related perks in their company or organization. It serves as an official and legal notice that is put immediately into effect after you send it.
Why Should You Write one?
No matter how unhappy you are at your current job, there is professional decency and dignity that you should maintain. It never hurts to leave a backdoor open in case your plans don’t go as intended.
Don’t dwell on personal hatred and grudges. We advise you to keep your head cool and above the tide. Leaving your previous job on a pleasant note might keep doors open for future opportunities.
For instance, recommendations, appraisals, and word of mouth in the market can paint you in a positive light for future jobs and investment prospects.
You might be tempted to quit your job with a bang like the Youtuber top Merck. Or pull any other controversial “quitting” stunts but remember, your circumstances may differ from theirs.
They might have pulled those stunts, knowing their future won’t be affected much.
But most of us don’t have that feasibility, so we must stick to mundane yet safe ways to quit our jobs, and a well-written resignation letter is just that!
Circumstances Surrounding a Resignation Letter:
Not all people who decide to quit their job are unhappy at their workplace. Some might be working in a healthy and pleasant environment with appreciative teammates and supervisors. But there are still circumstances that can lead to them resigning from a job that makes them happy.
We have explored these circumstances below and advised on how to tailor our resignation letter sample as per your requirement:
Resigning due to a family or personal problem
Even if all is well at your workplace, you can’t control the environment at your home. There are several ways that things can go wrong in your personal life, from a failing marriage to a death of a loved one. During such circumstances, you might find yourself unable to continue with your current job due to mental unrest.
While writing a resignation letter due to such circumstances, you might want to be vague about the nature of your problem. You can use words that do not give away too much about your situation but still lets your employer know that you have genuine reasons to quit.
Note that a simple “I am quitting due to personal problems” won’t suffice. You must build an emotional or compelling background in your letter before dropping the big news.
Resigning due to a change in location
One of the common reasons mentioned in most resignation letters is the change in an employee’s living situation. Maybe you’ve run out on your house’s lease, and there is no way to rectify it, or your children’s education is at stake.
Either way, you have decided to move out and are unable to continue with your current job.
While mentioning such an emergency, you must emphasize that this situation was unavoidable. Furthermore, if you want to continue working for your current employer, then you can mention where you are headed.
If your employer values your expertise, you can be assigned to a different company branch near your new location.
Resigning due to a better job opportunity
Now, this is a tricky situation that can get out of hand if you don’t control your excitement. A better chance means that your current job is no longer worth your time, but that’s not something you should mention in your resignation letter.
You should maintain a professional attitude and quit without complaining about your current workplace. No need to brag about the perks that you’ll be getting at your new job, but you can drop hints as to how you weren’t getting paid based on your market value.
A sentence like this might get the message across subtly:
“I have been offered a fetching job opportunity that offers me pay and perks according to my market value.”
The Right Way to do it!
So far, we have discussed the varying tones and nature of a resignation letter, but now it’s time to put words into action. If you want to leave your job on a pleasant note, then start building momentum. How so? Read below to find out!
Meet with your Superiors:
You can meet with your superiors before sending your resignation letter to discuss your reasons for leaving one-on-one. You can relay your intentions to your superiors personally.
They can give you pointers on how to resign on a pleasant note if they feel content with your performance.
Best Resignation Letter Format:
While writing an official letter, there is a format that one must adhere to show their professional aptitude. Most official letters have a fixed form that only needs a minute of tweaking before you can send them.
Who to Address?
Usually, such letters are addressed to either your team manager or your department head. But there are instances where you are required to send such messages directly to your HR team.
You need to be aware of your company policy to avoid any inconvenience for both parties involved.
Based on your relationship with your manager, you can either address your manager by their first name or last name.
Inclusion of a Date Line:
Most resignation letter templates don’t include a dateline as they are meant to be sent digitally. But if you plan to hand in your resignation letter personally, then mention the date on the top left side of the message.
Where Are You Sending it?
A handwritten letter should include the addresses of both the sender and the receiver. This requirement is a necessity if the message is sent via post.
How Are you Sending it?
As stated earlier, the mode of communication alters the format of your resignation letter. If you are using digital means of communication, then things like addresses, dates, and subject lines can be omitted without any consequences.
While the same things are an absolute necessity for a handwritten letter, decide which mode of communication you want to use and then tailor your message according to it. We recommend using digital means to communicate as they are quick and efficient.
Main Body of a Resignation Letter:
Building Up the Pace
Know that subtlety is the key in this situation to maintain a dignified stance. You need to tell your employer that it was an absolute delight to work for him, but unfortunately, you can’t continue your job.
Make sure that your employer knows that you had a “great” time while working for them. Even if you didn’t, clench your teeth and praise their work environment. Do not let this exceed any more than two-three sentences.
Declaring your Intentions
Now is the time to get right to business and state your intentions. No matter what the reason behind your departure is, use concise language and short sentences to get your point across.
Don’t dwell on glittering generalities and fallacy. Be pleasant but firm about your stance.
Mentioning your Departure date
Aside from declaring your intentions, you need to specify the date and day of your departure. Furthermore, you must give at least a two-week notification to your employer so they can look for your replacement and don’t suffer any losses.
You must continue with your job for the duration mentioned in your contract after submitting your resignation letter. You can suffer financial and legal consequences if you do not fulfill this requirement.
Saying your Goodbyes
In the end, make sure to leave your letter on a polite note. For instance, you can show gratitude towards your employer if you were happy while working for him, or you can show hopes for future engagements under different circumstances.
Is the Subject Line a Necessary Addition?
If you send an email, you don’t have to include a subject line in your letter body since it’s already included in the email format.
Best Resignation Letter Template:
It is difficult to find the best resignation letter example online but don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. Following is the best resignation letter sample that you can find online, and if tweaked wisely, it can be used according to your needs.
It is with sincere regret that I inform you that I won’t be able to continue with my job as [DESIGNATION] at your reputable company. My resignation should be effective two weeks starting from [DATE].
I extend my gratitude to my manager and team for guiding me throughout my journey at [FIRM NAME]. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, so makes my journey at your esteemed company.
I am available to assist any new replacement for my position and complete any outstanding work during my transfer period.
Thank you,
You might have noticed how we didn’t follow our guidelines while writing this template. We kept our letter straightforward and to the point and didn’t bother with giving a reason. Why is that?
That is because the letter is meant for circumstances where both sides are aware of professional boundaries and there is no emotional attachment. We still tried to add an ounce of emotion just for the sake of entertaining any familiarity.
Some Frequently Asked Questions:
How do I Write my two-week notice?
It is a minimum requirement for any professional setting that you notify the concerned authorities about your departure two weeks before it. It goes against professional decency if you leave your employer and team hanging.
Our original template is designed according to this query; scroll above to give it another read!
How do I resign immediately?
This is the kind of attitude that is most frowned upon in the working world, but unavoidable circumstances may force you to take this plunge. While writing a resignation letter, you must sound extremely apologetic so your employer knows that you are not doing it on purpose.
You’ll have to mention a solid reason for quitting without any prior notice because if you don’t, your irresponsible behavior can go on your recommendation letter or any other related documents.
We have rephrased our resignation letter template according to this query:
This letter is to inform you that I am resigning from my position as [DESIGNATION] effective immediately.
I apologize for any inconvenience my abrupt departure may cause, but circumstances are beyond my control and have pushed me to take this big step without any prior notice.
I am grateful for all the opportunities and guidance I have received during my time at your company. Your teachings and value will stay with me forever and will be vital for my future ventures.
I am at your disposal for the time being and am keen on helping you cope with this situation to the best of my capabilities. I wish you and your team the best of luck going forward.
Yours Sincerely,
What is the best reason for resignation?
There are many, and some of them have already been discussed above. But other than that, the following are a few different reasons that will prompt your employer to accept your resignation letter immediately.
- You have decided to switch careers.
You can word it as:
“I am grateful for the opportunities that your reputable company sent my way for the past [YEARS OF EMPLOYMENT], but recently I’ve had a change of heart. I have decided to pursue [FIELD/ PROFESSION] instead of continuing with [FIELD/PROFESSION].
This might come as a shock to you, but I do not feel happy about my career choices anymore. This change in career might bring me the peace of mind that I seek.”
- You want to continue your studies or pursue another degree.
This might help:
“While I feel fortunate to be part of your company, I think that I can perform my duties better if I have an advanced degree of [DEGREE NAME]. Therefore, I am resigning to continue my studies for a better understanding of my field.”
- You are not happy with your working schedule.
The tone should be:
“I am resigning from my position as [DESIGNATION] as I find it difficult to adjust to my working schedule. I have been assigned an inconvenient working schedule that interferes with my schedule.”
- You are mentally disturbed or emotionally exhausted, or physically drained.
You can write it as:
“I am resigning from my position due to my failing health. I have tried to do well and fulfill my duties as [DESIGNATION] but am unable to do so. My performance reports for the past few months show the effects of my worsening condition.
I have attached my medical reports to ensure that my continuous involvement in your company will only bring you losses. It is in the best interest of all parties involved that I resign from my position immediately.”
How do I write a letter of resignation from a new job?
Trust us when we say that you don’t want to be in this situation. Maybe you were set to start on a new job, but your old employer offered you a lucrative job package that you can’t afford to say no to; what do you do in this situation?
Many will resign from their new job apart from the few that value commitment above everything else. Here is another sample that might get you out of this tricky situation without any stint on your reputation:
This letter is to inform you that I am resigning from my newly appointed position as [DESIGNATION], effective immediately.
I apologize for any inconvenience my abrupt departure may cause, but it seems that there are legal complications that bind me to my previous employer. I am unable to cut ties with them at short notice without facing any backlash.
I hope that we can meet in the future under different circumstances so I can fulfill my commitment at my convenience.
I am at your disposal for the time being and am keen on helping you cope with this situation to the best of my capabilities. I wish you and your team the best of luck going forward.
Yours Sincerely,
Wrapping Up:
Writing a resignation isn’t difficult if you understand your company’s environment. This way, you’ll know how to appeal your case to the concerned authorities without provoking and upsetting them with your approach.